Orchestral Excerpts for Oboe

Casa Editrice: DANIEL DORFF
Compositore: AAVV
Categoria: OBOE
48,40 €
Tasse incluse

The fifth book in our line of Orchestral Excerpts addresses the audition process for orchestral oboists, by one of the world's finest! John Ferrillo, Principal Oboist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, knows the agony, the angst, and the anticipation of the audition arena. His overview of his own experiences and his advice is fascinating reading. Ferrillo also goes into some detail on the use of "long-tone exercises" and "melodic simplification," techniques you can use in everyday music-making. Also included is his advice on "Baroque and Classical Performance Practice," invaluable insights from an expert. With this foundation, Ferrillo presents the most-often-requested audition pieces, all of which you should know. Throughout, he gives his thoughts on the preparation, presentation and performance of each excerpt. As with the other books in our Orchestral Excerpts line, the oboe solo parts are faithfully reproduced in the most-often-used editions. But these are the editions from which you would be expected to play. Martha Rearick has transcribed the orchestral background into studio rehearsal accompaniments, retaining the flavor and dynamics of the instruments surrounding the oboe parts. All of it is geared toward maximizing your practice time and building the confidence you need as you approach your orchestral opportunity.

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Orario di apertura

Dal lunedì al venerdì 10:00-13:00 / 14:30-18:30
Sabato 14:30-18:30
Domenica CHIUSO

Per i docenti di ruolo e i nati nel 2000 Musica Musica ha scelto di aderire all'iniziativa promossa dal Governo relativa al buono da 500 € da spendere in cultura

Orario di apertura

Dal lunedì al venerdì 10:00-13:00 / 14:30-18:30
Sabato 14:30-18:30
Domenica CHIUSO

Per i docenti di ruolo e i nati nel 2004 Musica Musica ha scelto di aderire all'iniziativa promossa dal Governo relativa al buono da 500 € da spendere in cultura